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Hair Transplant

Baldness/Hair Loss Transplantation

  • Baldness or hair loss is a common problem amongst our people. The main cause of baldness is hereditary. Male pattern baldness often presents in the 1st decade after puberty and varies in extent and has certain typical patterns. Some men have baldness only in the front, deep temporal area or only at the vertex whereas others can have extensive baldness. Female pattern baldness, which commonly presents in the 4th and 5th decades, is more diffuse, without any temporal recession.

    Candidates for Surgery

    Pattern baldness is the commonest indication. Post burn scar alopecia, traction alopecia, madarosis (loss of eyebrow), loss of eyelashes also benefit from hair transplantation.

    Surgical Risk

    Hair transplantation is a safe procedure.

    Type of anaesthesia

    Hair transplantation is nearly always performed under local anesthesia.

    After Your Surgery

    You are up and about after the surgery. Your normal work can start from the next day. First shower with gentle shampoo of hair is recommended after 5th day. You should start applying minoxidil after the 1st week. New hair starts to grow 10-12 weeks after the surgery and behave like normal hair.


    Hair transplantation is the only permanent method of restoring hair in baldness. Follicular unit transplantation (FUT) has now become the established and gold standard method for hair transplantation. In this method hair is transplanted exclusively in its naturally occurring individual follicular units. The basis of hair transplantation is that occipital hairs (back) are never lost and more importantly, they show donor dominance and hence can be transplanted in the balding area. This procedure is done under local anesthesia as a day care case. It consist of harvesting occipital strip, follicular unit dissection under magnification, making needle holes and slits in the recipient area and finally insertion of follicular unit grafts. New hair starts to grow 10-12 weeks after the surgery, behave like normal hair, never fall and subsequently require hair cut.

Eyebrow Transplantation

  • Hair transplantation restores the aesthetic appeal following eyebrow loss resulting from traumatic or post burn scar, leprosy or other reasons.

Eyelid surgery or Blepharoplasty

  • Blepharoplasty is effective for making puffy, baggy, tired eyes look more youthful and awake look.


    Improves the baggy lids by removing excess skin, and it can improve puffiness by removing excess fat.
    In some cases (where fat alone is removed from the lower eyelid) the incisions can be made on the inside of your eyelid leaving no external scar.

    Cosmetic eyelid surgery (blepharoplasty) can even change asian eyelid to make them appear more caucasian by redefining the crease of the upper eyelid.

    Anesthesia and Aftercare

    Procedure is usually done under local anesthesia as a day case.

    Swelling and bruising subsides in a week. Scars will fall along your lower lash lie or in your upper eyelid crease and will become imperceptible within a few weeks.

Moustache, Beard Transplantation

  • Loss can result from trauma, burn or other form of scarring. Single hair transplant restores the loss of beard or moustache in a predictable and effective way.

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